On Friday I watched the daughter of our good friends. Kate recently turned four and she is so cute. She told me she has a "Baby Alive". She said it in such a way as if listing her credentials to help with Christopher. And help she did! She changed his diaper, burped him, played with him and put his paci in when he got upset. Christopher never took his eyes off of her.
Showing Christopher his fishies.
Such a big help!
Ryan's tournament Saturday...
Brent's big bass
"Smooooke On the Waaaater....Fire In the Sky"
CBA's newest member, Patrick showing off his catch. Saturday was tough fishing because of the intense heat.
Sunday we attended two picnics...
My work friends, Lisa and Margie.
Meyer 9 gang!
Cooling off with Daddy after a hot weekend... Ryan was able to get many belly laughs out of Christopher by kissing his tummy with his tickly beard.
Christopher was a very good boy this weekend. We took him to two picnics Sunday, one for my work and one with friends of Ryan's. To our surprise, Christopher was very well behaved. Another first of Christopher's: grabbing a toy while on his tummy, yay Christopher!