The past few weeks, I have learned so much about the blog world. Things I never realized before, like people actually make a living from blogging. Or that there are conventions for bloggers. There are blogs about blogs. It is a huge cyber-society. Which brings me to my next point, bloggers can tag bloggers. And I have been tagged! Tagging is a fun way to learn about other bloggers and bring others to your blog site. Carabee from tagged me ***thanks Cara!***
The rules are as follows:
-Link the person who tagged you
-Share 6 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
-Tag 6 people at the end of your post by leaving links to their blogs.
-Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
-Mention the rules on your blog
Katie's Quirks:
1. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop sleeping on my stomach. It leaves me achy and sore every morning.
2. My heart is on the wrong side. That would be the right side. All my organs are flipped, actually.
3. When I was in 8th grade, I was chosen to be a poster child for the Catholic Church's Lenten Appeal, sort of a charitable fund raiser for the Lent season. This "honor" included a photo shoot, some billboards of me on Maryland highways and...wait for it...a radio commercial. Nothing like riding the middle school bus at 6:30 am, only to hear your own voice broadcasting on Mix106.5 speaking about your faith.
4. That same year, (also 8th grade) I got suspended from school for fighting with a 6'5" black kid with a beard. FYI I was barely 5' then, I am sure it was a comical scene. He was picking on a shy plump girl in class, I was just trying to stand up for her. Fortunately I didn't lose the Lenten Appeal gig.
5. I married my Financial Advisor.
6. It annoys me when others are s-l-o-w. I can't help that I am always on a "high speed setting".
I don't really follow many blogs, but here are 5 out of 6. (I know its a little heavy on the "Gill Family" side, but they are a bunch of bloggin' fools.)