Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hoppy Easter!

Our Easter was perfect. My mom put on quite a spread as usual. We had a nice crowd down Bayside, including Marnell's family and his friend Matt. But to me the best part was watching the kids have fun outside playing and looking for Easter eggs. I love watching Christopher enjoy all the kiddie traditions that I have longed to share with my children. I can't believe these are the days. I am savoring.
Christopher makes sure he didn't miss a spot.
Christopher LOVES this little mower the East Bunny brought him. He turns the key, saying "turn", then pushes the throttle and finally taps the top when I tell him "check the oil". After all this he finally pushes the thing around the yard, or now since it's raining, around the house.

Christopher getting help from Daddy during the Easter egg hunt.

Christopher would find an egg (with our help), pick it up and say "Egg", then place it in his basket.

Christopher double tasks during the egg hunt.

Sophia's cousin Corey had fun rounding up Easter eggs in the yard. He is too cute, always smiling and in a playful mood.

Marnell's friend Matt joined us for Easter (as well as Marnell's family) and prepared this beautiful Rockfish. It was topped with a creamy crabmeat sauce. YUM! It tasted even better than it looks.

And while we are on the artsy food stuff, here is my bunny cake.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Anti Internet.

Last Sunday was very warm, so Christopher tried on his shorts and enjoyed a Popsicle with Daddy.

I don't know why Christopher rarely smiles at the camera, he's so serious. Matt on the other hand, is quite a ham.

Last time I watched Matt it was a little hectic. Now both boys are on the move, and they don't always stay together. We were playing together in Christopher's room when Matt decided to head down the hall. At first I couldn't locate him. After a short search, I found Matt on the bottom shelf of our buffet table. Too cute.

The boys played together nicely with the Fridge Farm, thanks Leah!

The newest addition to our family, Madeline. For even better pics, check out Kevin and Sarah's blog, listed on the right.

I don't know what it is lately but I have been seriously unmotivated to anything on the computer. I think it started months ago when being in the office was difficult with Christopher under foot. Then slowly I realized that I don't actually miss it that much. Lately I cringe just thinking of logging on to check email, blog or whatever. I don't miss it at all. Weird. But I know I have a huge fan base out there to please, so I am dutifully blogging away. That last sentence was dripping with sarcasm in case you didn't notice.

What have I been doing with my time then? I have read 2 Jodi Picoult novels, Harvesting The Heart and Keeping Faith, both excellent books. I am currently painting shelves to house Christopher's toys. And of course as always I am playing preschool with my one year old.

Christopher has learned colors geen (green) and boo (blue). He has been perfecting the shape sorter, although I need Ryan to make more wooden shapes since CRW has cleverly hid most of the pieces. He, like his cousin Leif, is addicted to Dodo (Dumbo). He only watches the first 15-20 minutes with the animals and train. He loves the train. When the song "Casey Junior's coming down the track..." he gets so excited, hops up and down with wide eyes chanting Ti-ti (choo-choo). Lately he has the bad habit of clinging to my legs. I learned that he only wants to see what I am doing up over his head. So he gets lots of up close and personal cooking shows while sitting on our kitchen countertops. With the bad habits come good habits, he has learned manners. Instead of whining, he'll say "peese?" when I say "no whining". It is so cute. The other day he was stuck in my room and wanted the door opened. He started whining but after I warned him "no whining" he said 0ah (open) da (door) peese (please). I was so tickled, was this his first sentence? He is such a chatter box especially first thing in the morning. Before we can even get him out of the crib he is going through his list of words like he's telling us his dreams.