Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Perfect Day

"Mom, I'm so cute, don't you just wanna pinch my cheeks?"

Did you ever have one of those days that just felt so right? I mean, nothing particularly spectacular happened, but the day was special just the same. Conversation flows easily. Your little one is agreeable and so darn cute. And much of your time is spent just relaxing and enjoying your family's company. That's the kind of day we are having. A lot has to do with the fact that Ryan is home with us all day. *He is taking time off from hunting and teaching me how to be a better parent. It's hard to explain how much I really learn under his tutelage.* Christopher acts different when he is around. He is happier, and seems more relaxed. Its obvious he loves his Daddy. Our morning started a little too early, but that's ok. I finished tidying the house (I often have more energy in the morning than in the evening). We had a breakfast of buttermilk pancakes and bacon; Christopher ate 3 pancakes, bacon and 2 strawberries! Then we all snuggled in front of the fire as Ryan and I sipped hot coffee. Christopher took turns snuggling and then playing by himself on the floor. When we emerged from downstairs, we discovered it was snowing! Great big pregnant snowflakes, as Ryan put it. So we sat and watched their journey to Earth. Then I asked Christopher if he wanted some hot chocolate. He responded by hopping off the sofa shouting "hot chocolate! hot chocolate!" and clambered up into his booster seat. I found this funny, since he's never had the stuff before!
We learned from Amy that the Science Center was having a "Dollar Day", so we decided to toss our cozy blankets and head out into the wintry mix for a family fun day. It was fun too, especially for Christopher who had a blast in the "Kid's Room". They have a great interactive exhibit geared towards toddlers. Christopher really liked the water table and a water bed room with foam blocks. Just as things started to get too crowded, we headed home. Christopher had a huge lunch of lentils, then went off to sleep. Ryan and I had homemade potato leek soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, then we joined Christopher for a family nap. And its still snowing.... so cozy!
*While I stepped away from the computer I returned to find my post slightly altered. The sentences in red were added by my hilarious husband. Ha ha Ryan, very funny!

Gazing at the falling snow:

Christopher kept asking me to take his picture while he practiced smiling for the camera. This is something new, because he never smiles for the camera. I have about a dozen shots like this, as he kept saying "again".

1 comment:

Leah said...

wow, I can't believe how much older he looks just in a month! Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend!