Monday, November 2, 2009

Look Out Johnny Depp!

Is it me, or is he the cutest little pirate you've ever seen? I can't believe he kept this costume on all evening, even the head piece!

On Halloween we all went to a kiddie-then-adult Halloween party. I helped Kali, our cousin, plan the party although she did most of the work! I was in charge of a scavenger hunt, which all the kiddies certainly enjoyed. Since Christopher and Grant both came as pirates, I made a tattered treasure map to offer the first clue. The map was signed "Your pint-sized pirates, Captains Grant and Christopher". Clues led about 10 kids around the yard, until finally they found the treasure! I had made a treasure chest and filled it with "jewels", candy and small toys. The kids loved it! We also made lots of crafts and had a "ghost bowling game". It took Christopher almost 2 hours to warm up, but then he was running around playing and less concerned with where we and Ryan's parents were. In all, it was such a fun party! Christopher even hung out til 8:30, at which time I had to put my little pirate to bed.

1 comment:

CaraBee said...

He is THE cutest pirate! What a great costume! He looks like such a kid.