Monday, November 24, 2008

Any Day Now...

Christopher will be walking! On Thursday Ryan and I noticed Christopher getting up in the middle of a room, without holding on to anything. Then he'd squat, pick up something, and stand again. Saturday night, while at Shane and Kali's housewarming, he squatted and stood four times in a row. He looked like he was doing exercises! On Sunday, he stood up from his knees or from a sitting position so many times, it was as if he'd been doing this forever. He is so agile. He has even taken up to two steps unassisted. I love watching him on the move. Sometimes I just watch him play, it is quite amusing. He has recently discovered his shadow. At the bottom of our basement steps, the landing lights cast a terrific shadow and Christopher puts on a great show for himself. There is lots of hand clapping and "so big!" routines. He started doing "So big!" last Sunday. After several weeks of coaching, he surprised us with it. Ryan and I were so happy we gave each other a high five. What can I say? We're weird. So anyway, Christopher continues to learn new tricks. Today he was holding a stuffed lion and I said "Give the lion a kiss." and he did! Then he smiled at the lion, a look of pure love.

In the past four days Ryan and I started a new schedule with Christopher. Its really not that different, just a few changes to help him sleep throughout the night. Unfortunately, Christopher and I have struggled with breast feeding since mid May. Despite lots of research, many inquiries with the pediatrician and lactation consultants and alot of effort, we continue to struggle. There were days when he'd go over eight hours without nursing. He just didn't want to settle down to nurse. He is so distractable and always on the move. Night feedings seemed to be our best bet. As long he nursed well at night I didn't mind getting up with him. But then things changed. No longer would he drift back to sleep after a night feeding. He'd cry. Ryan was certain he was still hungry and I was confused. After a bottle of 4oz. he'd fall right to sleep. So we had a few weeks of this "doe see doe". He would have a couple good nights then bad ones. Then a whole week of bad ones. I made my mind up something has to change. He is almost 9 months old for Pete' sake! So Thursday I implemented a plan. If he didn't nurse when offered, I'd give him a bottle. This way his caloric intake is higher during the day, leaving night time for sleep. If he wakes at night, we don't need to worry if he is hungry, which was always the question before. He needs to learn to fall back asleep without our help. We also give him a 6oz bottle at bedtime with a tsp of cereal mixed in. So far we are successful! He has awakened 2 hours after going down, but we let him cry it out. He cried for maybe 20 minutes. Before I'd always go nurse him, thinking I was "topping him off" for the night. But in reality, I think I was enabling a sleep crutch. For the past three nights he has slept through, waking up a happy baby. As far as the breast feeding goes, I'm at peace with it. For the past few days I've only nursed him 2 or 3 times a day and thats alright with me. Sometimes things don't go as planned, but they work out just the same. At least we still have those few times a day together.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Forgotten Photos.

I have been playing with the look of the blog. This is by no means a finished product, I am just playing around. I got tired of the old look.
Life has been a little busy lately. So here are some quick photos of the past weeks that I've haven't posted yet. Enjoy.
On November 8th, Christopher and I got invited through Aunt Lisa to a 1st Birthday party of an old friend's daughter. (Figure that one out). Anyway, the party was pirate themed, and Katie (the Mommy) made an awesome pirate ship out of card board. The babies and kids could climb in and out through port holes. Very creative. Here is Christopher in his "Surrender the booby!" bib borrowed from his friend Danny.
Christopher peers out the port hole looking for land. Like his costume? The only thing I bought was a $2 eye patch.

Big boy bath time. I finally found the drain plug so Christopher could bath in the big tub. He loves it. Rubber Ducky is trying to offer the CRW some modesty.

Bedtime story with Daddy. Lately, Christopher loves books. You can read several in a row and he sits still listens smiles, and helps turn pages. I think this is amazing for his age. His favorites? "Pajama Time" and "Mr. Brown Can Moo" of course!

Christopher is so close to walking. Until then, he has to use his handy dandy kiddie walker. He kinda reminds me of an old man with a walker.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well I found my time to blog: at 2:30 am while I work the graveyard shift. All my patients are tucked in and sleeping soundly (thank God). As I sit at the nurses' station, I think of my baby boy at home, warm and snug in his crib. Instead of making me annoyed with work, I find comfort in the thought. I love him. Everyday I wake happy with the thought of what lies ahead of us: playing, learning, nursing, eating and a little bit of tears. I am happy and relieved to put him to bed at night, but within hours I miss him! He is so enjoyable, and I can't believe I get to do this everyday. I am a grateful woman.

Enough of the mushy stuff. Let's get down to business. Christopher has been reaching so many milestones, I am afraid I am losing track. I mentioned a few weeks ago about his teeth. Well, last Friday found him grouchy and clingy. His top two center teeth decided to join the top outer ones. So he was cutting four teeth simultaneously. Ouch! On top of that he had a cold. Poor baby. He didn't want to be left alone, and he cried as soon as I was out of sight. Fortunately he calmed easily in my presence.

Last Sunday (11/2) while visiting Ryan's parents, Lulu helped Christopher balance on his two feet. After only a week of practice, he stands alone often and for up to a minute, without holding on to anything! He is very good at getting from his knees to his feet, while holding on to an object only a few inches high. Last Wednesday, while at a play group, he borrowed a "walker/grocery cart" toy and strutted around the room, like walking was the easiest thing in the world. I was shocked! Just this past Tuesday I noticed him taking a step alone without holding on, then fall right on his bottom. So at this rate I think he'll be walking in a couple of weeks. And he's only 8 1/2 months old!

His vocabulary is growing. Last Tuesday I realized that every time our 30 day clock chimed, Christopher would stop what he was doing, look up, and say "te ta, te ta". (We call the clock a "Tick-Tock".) He did this every half an hour with each and every chime. There were times he'd hear it, while it went unnoticed by me. I'd laugh when I realized after the clock was finished, only because there was a small baby on the floor saying "te ta, te ta". Such an observant little fellow. Even when sitting in the cart at Kohl's, he points out a large clock display. Unprovoked by me, there's little Christopher quietly saying "te ta, te ta".

Over the weekend, while playing in the "Lower Level", Ryan pointed out his wall-mounted bass to Christopher, stating "fish". The next day I asked "where's the fish?" and Christopher looked up at the bass and waved! I was so shocked and proud, I picked Christopher up for a closer look, and repeated "fish". Christopher smiled then said "fffff" repeatedly. Of course this made Ryan's day.

Lately Christopher has been enjoying books. He especially likes the "Touch And Feel Farm". He is quiet and patient as I read each page.

Three of the past seven nights he has slept through, finally! He takes nice long naps and wakes up ready to play.

And lastly, his appetite is out of this world. This past week, he has eaten two breakfasts; one before and one after his morning nap. He slowly is moving away from "baby food" and joining us at the table eating what I've prepared as the family dinner. Before he didn't care for ground beef, but now he takes it readily. I guess with all these changes comes rapid growth.

I think I got all the updates. He is changing before our eyes. When I was younger, I watched many kids and babies, but I wasn't prepared for how amazing baby development is. After only 8 months, I have this little person, full of personality. A boy who likes to make Mommy laugh and can light up a room with his smile. What a blessing.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Who Has Time To Blog?

With an energetic baby crawling around it is near impossible to blog. When he naps, I try to get things done around the house, and when his little peepers are open, it is a full time job entertaining him and keeping him out of trouble. I actually have blog drafts saved and unfinished, as I always hear Christopher calling me from his crib before I can post. (He's even calling me now). Well Laura and Jason are aching for some bloggage so he are some pics to hold them over until I can do some fancier blogging.

Saturday Christopher peers out the back door to watch Daddy do work on the house.

Last week we visited Grandmom and Granddad, here Christopher is playing in the sunroom.

Sammy Dog braces himself for a pat from Christopher.

Then he takes a nap using his hamburger as a pillow.

Sleepy Snuggly Christopher.

Photo compliments of Lola. She took Christopher outside to enjoy the sun while watching him a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Babies and Birthdays

Kristi's 30th Birthday Bash...

Happy Birthday Kristi! Today is Kristi's birthday, but we celebrated it with a great party in Crazy Court on Saturday. It was a good turnout with about 50 attending and 18 sleeping over. So many people love Kristi.

Guest came as far away as Louisiana and Ft. Myers. Brian "Mega-lines" flew up from Ft. Myers just to celebrate the big 3-0.

Here is Matt showing off his pool skills.

Drinking and card playing...good fun!

Mom, Amy, Sophia and Dad enjoy the warm fall weather.

Uncle Steve took the kids for several tractor rides around the court. Sam, Noah, Jonathan, Kaylin, Grant, Emily, and Mason.

Every time Zachary sees a camera he hams it up. Such a cutie.

The Master Hostess at work. Lola made an awesome spread of food. Here she prepares the pulled pork, a great hit.

Sophia enjoys the party in her own way.

McClains representin'.

Family Fall Photo.

The kids love the fire ring. Here they were taking a break from getting the fire started with leaves. Alicia, Sam, Grant, Emily, Jonathan, Christopher, Noah, Kaylin and Mason.

Christopher eyes up Zachary's toy. "Hmmm, I think I like that one better."

Happy Halloween...

Christopher trick or treats at Great Gran Wintersteins, he is a beaver.

The full effect.

Happy Birthday Ryan...
Last Monday was Ryan's Birthday. On Tuesday we had a small dinner with his parents, Gran and Brenda.

On his actual birthday, I made a scrumptious dinner of stuffed pork roast and roasted asparagus. Kristi joined us to help celebrate.

While Brenda was visiting, we had a play date with Kim, Karen and the kids. I love spending time with them. Here Jonathan feeds Christopher a Cheerio. Jonathan is the sweetest boy I know, he is always saying, "I love Christopher".

Christopher looking good dressed up for church.

"Stand In The Place Where You Are..."

Christopher's latest trick is a balancing act on two feet. He can stand up to 17 seconds! As he wobbles to get his balance, he laughs at his accomplishment, or maybe its the way it feels to stand upright all by himself