Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Puzzle Master

Christopher has discovered his wooden puzzles. For his first birthday he received two nice ones. I have since added to the collection, although I thought he was a bit young for them. At first he would just sit on the floor and remove each puzzle piece, tossing it on the floor. But in the past week he has perfected the skill. Now he requests them excitedly "pu-ple, pu-ple, PEASE!". ( I keep them out of reach up on a shelf.) Once it's set on the floor he gets to work, removing one piece at a time and emphatically slamming it on the floor. After they are all removed he reassembles them. Then he will immediately start the process over again, even on the same puzzle. He now only occasionally needs help getting them together. He does like 15-20 a day. Literally. He really gets hung up on certain things. Is it me, or are toddlers eerily similar to Rain Man? Anyway, it just amazed me to watch him. See for yourself.


Anonymous said...

That is so cute!!!! I loved how he placed them on the floor all around him!!!

Abby said...

he is a smartypants! Keep the videos coming...we like em!