Saturday, July 18, 2009


I have come to really love where we live for so many reasons. There are numerous parks, each with its own perks. We even have a petting zoo free of charge five minutes from our house. But one of our most favorite Momma and Christopher outing is Gunpowder State Park, which has a very spacious beach and swimming area. I thought we'd get there every week this summer, but we've only been twice. Seeing how much he loves it though, we will be back several more times before summer ends. Friday we had the enjoyment of Lulu's company, which made the day extra fun. "Schwimmin" is what Christopher says each time he even sets eyes on water. He takes to water naturally and quite fearlessly. Check out what a great "schwimmer" Christopher is:

Taking a break for a quick picture. He loved going up the beach, turning around saying "set, go!" and running fast into the water until he fell in up to his neck.

1 comment:

CaraBee said...

Let me know the next you guys want to go! We've been trying to go, but every time we've planned it, it has rained.