Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Our first born son arrived to us
Monday, February 25th at 5:16pm, weighing 7 pounds, 14 ounces.

My labor started early Sunday morning around 3:30am. When Ryan awoke, I informed him that our child was finally ready to make their grand appearance soon. I labored at home all day. Ryan and I took care of last minute business: grocery shopping, laundry, and light house cleaning. All the while, I kept track of my contractions; at first starting at 20 minute intervals and gradually increasing in the evening to every 5 minutes. At 10:30pm I was in active labor, so we packed the car and headed to GBMC.

Upon arrival, I was growing increasingly more uncomfortable, even holding a conversation was difficult during a contraction. The admitting nurse found me to be 3 cm dilated. I continued to labor until 2:30 am, at which point no comfort measure worked to keep me out of extreme pain. After discussing the situation with Ryan and my nurse, I decided to finally have the epidural placed. I had made it to 4 cm without it. To continue without an epidural, I would have no strength to push during delivery. Once pain free, I was able to sleep on and off. At 8 am my contractions slowed, so unfortunately, we had to resort to pitocin. My regular OB arrived and took over my care, rupturing my water and starting internal monitoring. The waters were stained lightly with meconium. So my labor progressed well until 11 am, when the contractions became so strong, and close, the little baby's heart rate would drop drastically. The pitocin was turned off and my body was left to labor on its own. The contractions slowed and weakened, which my doctor feared indicated that the baby's head was too large to fit through my pelvis. He said unfortunately, a c-section was looking very likely. Of course, this is not what we wanted, but we put it in God's hands. My doctor gave labor a few more hours, then it was OR time. Unbelievably, on his final check, I was 10 cm and ready to push! I was so happy! Ryan and my nurse held each of my legs and cheered me on through each contraction. Ryan was amazing. It was his words that kept me focused and motivated. He had a great smile on his face, and he said "great push Katie, I could see the head on that one!" He was such an integral part of the delivery. The doctor came in towards the end, and the atmosphere was so relaxed and peaceful. We would actually have conversation between contractions! At the exact right moment, the doctor became involved and instructed me to only push when he said to. A few short pushes later, out came Christopher Ryan, in all his slimy glory! Ryan cut the cord, and escorted him over to the incubator where they cleaned and prepared him for me. There are no words to describe the whole scene. It was the most casual, beautiful event I could imagine. I have replayed it over and over again in my mind. Ryan and I had the perfect birth experience. Christopher Ryan is beautiful. He has perfect features, and a peaceful personality (so far). Our hearts have found a place we never knew existed. I am so proud of Ryan, he is a natural father (as of this posting I have only changed Christopher's diaper twice). At every feeding, Ryan retrieves our son and brings him to me, he soothes him quickly every time, and his swaddling skills are perfect! This has been the easiest transition. We are truly blessed and now a complete family.


Teresa,Jack,Sam & Sara said...

I have been watching your site every day since I heard the news of the arrival. How exciting! I know just the feeling you are talking about when you first see your little one, no words can truly describe it. Enjoy every minute, they go by so fast. Our love and well wishes to everyone. Give Christopher a kiss for us.

Leah said...

He is beautiful! What a blessing! I'm very happy for you guys. :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! He is so cute. I am so happy for you and Ryan. Wishing you all the best and lots of love :)

Unknown said...
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Cyndi said...

Welcome to the family, Christopher Ryan!!! We're so happy you are finally here and so glad for Mom that you made your appearence the way you did. What a beautiful birth story, Katie, you should consider being an author, your writings are very captivating! The three of you make such a beautiful family! Can't wait to meet you in person! Kudos to Ryan for being such an awesome DAD! Congrats to Grandma and Grandpa Winterstein as well, I'm sure they are beaming!! Keep the pictures coming, they are a wonderful way for us to keep in touch since we don't all get to see one another too often! Hugs and congrats! Cyndi & Dave

thats amore said...

Congratulations, Katie! The 3 of you looks so happy! I'm glad he is finally here!